Red Hat

JBoss BRMS & BPM Suite

Get started with rules, events & processes, an overview

Eric D. Schabell
JBoss Technology Evangelist

JBoss BRMS - Components

JBoss BRMS - Architecture

JBoss BPM Suite - Components

JBoss BPM Suite - Architecture

Customer Case

Electronic payment provider

  • Problems - outdated systems, legacy apps difficult to update, duplication of critical data
  • Goals - reduce turnaround for changes, improve visibility KPIs
  • Solution
    • Saved resources - reduction manual processes, increase productivity, 360° visibility to management
    • Single procurement processes provides better oversight on spending by the org
    • Focus core business activities vs repetitive manual work
    • Quicker on-boarding of merchants, new business capabilities come to market quickly

Customer Case


  • Context
    • Need to update email-based processes for executing trades
    • Needed insights into trade execution and historical trends.
    • Complex systems involved in trades, status often unclear.
    • Gaps in the audit capabilities make accountability difficult.
  • Solution
    • built standardized processes & rules for various trade phases.
    • Achieved transparency in management of trades.
    • Achieved faster decision making during trades.
    • IT Architecture now actively promotes JBoss BPM Suite as a preferred platform for lines of business looking to embark on BPM projects.

Customer Case

Mobile Network Operator

  • Context
    • Business Rule Engine used to implement complex billing rules when generating customer invoices
  • Solution
    • Sometimes the rules would determine that an unusual discount should be applied, and such discounts required manual approval
    • In fact the rule evaluation was simply a step in a much larger business process - motivation to adopt BPM solution
Eric D. Schabell
JBoss Technology Evangelist

Let's get started...

JBoss BRMS & BPM Suite Workshops