Lab 04 - Create a Domain Specific Language (DSL)

Lab Goal

To create a DSL and a guided rule based on this DSL to calculate the free shipping threshold for Cool Store

Create a new Domain Specific Language

  • First we will start with a Domain Specific Language (DSL)
    • we will create an English DSL for our analysts
    • this allows you to target the domain terms
    • business users can then easily design rules

Create a new DSL

  • We need to create a language for Promotion rules
  • Create a DSL that allows business to determine threshold for free shipping:
    • If customer spends X amount, then apply free shipping
  • Go on to next slide to see how we design our DSL

Create a new DSL

  • Head over to the project authoring perspective

Create a new DSL

  • Create our new DSL:
    • New Item -> DSL DEFINITION
    • RESOURCE NAME: Promotions DSL
    • OK

Create a new DSL

  • You now have an empty text field to enter your DSL
  • It is a definition divided into a WHEN and THEN section
    • WHEN - here we decide what has to happen
    • If customer spends X
    • THEN - this is the results applied if WHEN happens
    • apply free shipping, which is a formula we supply
  • SAVE, your DSL when finished

If you want to skip the typing, paste this instead:

  • [when]If customer spends ${var}=$sc : ShoppingCart( cartItemTotal >= {var} )
  • [then]Apply Free Shipping=$sc.setShippingPromoSavings( $sc.shippingTotal * -1 ); $sc.setShippingTotal( 0 ); update ($sc);

Create a new Guided Rule with DSL

  • We next will create a rule using the DSL we created
  • Create a new guided rule
    • RESOURCE NAME: Free Shipping Promotion DSL
    • CHECK 'Use Domain Specific Language (DSL)' BOX
    • OK

Create a new Guided Rule with DSL

  • The guided rule editor is now before you, but empty
  • Note the `+` signs on the right, it opens a list of options
  • Top `+` is for the WHEN (condition) section of our rule
    • pop-up shows overview of all possibilities, but we want DSL conditions
    • check the `Only display DSL conditions` box

Create a new Guided Rule with DSL

  • Now let us create our condition (WHEN):
    • If customer spends $75

Create a new Guided Rule with DSL

  • Note that the added DSL line has a `VAR` field
    • this marks a field where we can add a dollar value
  • next we need to add an action (THEN)
    • use the + at the THEN level of the designer to add:
    • Apply Free Shipping

Create a new Guided Rule with DSL

  • Expand the 'show optionsSAVE and add:
    • check NO-LOOP box
    • RULEFLOW-GROUP: promo-rules
  • Save the rule

Create a new Guided Rule with DSL

  • Ensure your package builds:
    • (should see green pop-up 'Build Successful')
  • if ERRORS around ShoppingCart, see next slide

Create a new Guided Rule with DSL

  • Errors could be due to ShoppingCart not on rule path, to add:
    • CONFIG tab on the bottom of rule
    • +NEW ITEM button at top, select ShoppingCart from Import list
  • Save rule, build project, should see green pop-up Build Successful
Eric D. Schabell
JBoss Technology Evangelist

JBoss BRMS Workshop

Lab 05 - Create Guided Rules