Lab 13 - Create a domain model

Lab Goal

To create a new domain model with the JBoss BPM Suite domain modeler

Create new domain model

  • Head over to the project authoring perspective:

Create new domain model

  • Open the domain modeler:

Create new domain model

  • Create Employee
    • click on +CREATE button

Create new domain model

  • Create Employee and click +OK when done

Create new domain model

  • Add all fields as shown, hitting +CREATE to add each one
    • name, Name, String
    • dept, Department, String

Create new domain model

  • Finished Employee object in our domain model for now...
    • later we will add an Award, but first we need to create the Award object

Create new domain model

  • Add Award object to our domain model

Create new domain model

  • Add all fields as shown, hitting +CREATE to add each one
    • amount, Award amount, Integer
    • explanation, Explanation, String

Create new domain model

  • Finished Award object in our domain model

Create new domain model

  • Finalize domain model by adding Award object to Employee
    • award, Award, AWARD

Create new domain model

  • Final domain model with Award and Employee

Save domain model

  • Click on SAVE button to persist the domain model
  • pop-up bar should say Data model was saved

Rewards process project

(next up, creating rewards process...)
Eric D. Schabell
JBoss Technology Evangelist

JBoss BPM Suite Workshop

Lab 14 - Create rewards process